June 18-20, Introduction to 3D Modeling, CAD Design and 3D Printing

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June 18-20, Tue-Wed-Thur 1:30-5:30pm
Our Introduction to 3D Modeling and Computer Aided Design camps for 7-9th grade students is the perfect way to get started in CAD and 3D printing! This course is a pre-requisite to our Jr Bots Combat Robotics Training class unless the student has previous 3D design/CAD experience.

Our 3D Design and Modeling summer camps are led current and former PART combat team members.

Learn about the basic functions of 3D modeling and CAD software as you use sketches, shapes, extrusions to create your own basic keychain on day 1, and see it come to life on the 3D printer.  And design and make your own robot figure or other creation on day 2!

Recommended: student provides their own laptop or Chromebook capable of using OnShape.

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July 8-18 Jr Bots Training Camp - Build Your Own Battle Robot